About Us

Our Founder

Anthony, previously worked at Apple before becoming Fully Apple Certified. and started Bad Apples almost 20 years ago.. He is a supportive, friendly and reliable character that has been known to go out of his way to help those around him.
He always has a friendly smile. He is an expert in the tech industry and has built a company helping clients in and around Birmingham. From supporting critically acclaimed musicians to home visits to the student desperate to finish his dissertation after last night's coffee spilled over his computer, Anthony is there to support.

Why Choose Us

Our History

Based in M,oseley, historicvally helping out clients from the prodigy, past led zeplin, through the streets and past the terraced houses of selly oak. 15 years of progress, fixing systems.

Our SKills

We have taken computers back from the brink of death. Old and water damaged mac laptops with important information stored within have turned useful once more.

Certified with all Tech

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Bad Apples

74 Edgbaston Road Moseley, Birmingham B12 9PJ t. 0121 401 1105 | m. 07900 006 112 | e. service@badapples.info
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Tech Repair